What is trimming plants called?

Pruning is a horticultural, arboreal and forestry practice that involves the selective removal of certain parts of a plant, such as branches, shoots or roots. Shrub trimming involves cutting off the tips of branches to clean the overall appearance of a plant. This landscaping service involves the use of electric hedge cutters to brush the tops and sides of shrubs to make them look clean and cared for. For example, if your property in Denton County or Collin, TX, has a row of hedge shrubs, cutting off the top and sides will maintain a uniform “green fence” look.

The cut occurs when you cut the surface smoothly as in hedges in boxes. It can help shape a shrub and promotes the formation of shrubs. Simply put, when pruning, a gardener controls the growth and development of plants in specific patterns. Each bud (or branch) of a woody plant ends in what is known as the terminal shoot, under which other shoots (or future branches) are placed in specific patterns that are different for different plant species.

If a plant has not been pruned regularly and has been allowed to grow in any natural pattern, that plant may need what is called a severe cut, which will result in many new shoots and rapid growth the following spring.


helps improve plant health and can increase plant longevity , so you ultimately protect your investment in gardening. When transplanting woody plants, the only pruning necessary is the removal of broken or damaged branches. The central leader of a tree should not be pruned unless the leader is not wanted, as is the case with some naturally low-branched trees or where multi-stemmed plants are desired.

First, let's discuss the definitions of pruning and pruning, then we'll discuss why these garden services are important, what your plants need (and when). Chances are you have some plants in your garden that require regular pruning, while others need annual pruning. After the plants have been initially pruned to include a low branching, keep it by trimming the upper part narrower than the lower one so that sunlight can reach all the leaves of the plant (Figure 1). Topiary: to shape or shape by pruning into various ornamental shapes or plants that have been shaped.

When pine trees are young and grow vigorously, the top growth point may outgrow the rest of the plant, resulting in an open space between the main body of the plant and the growth tip. Pruning can also be done on healthy living plant tissues to reduce the size or form the structure of the plant.


plants damaged by storms or vandalism or those with dead branches as soon as possible to avoid additional insect and disease problems that may arise. Do not cut too close because many evergreens with needles do not easily generate new shoots from old wood.

Standard: A plant that is not normally grown as a tree and has been trained to form a single trunk with a rounded head. Rose plants need pruning to fix their appearance, control size, and improve their vigor, growth and flowering habits. For example, boxwoods grow relatively slowly and should only be pruned once a month during the growing season. The frequency and timing of pruning are also very different from shrub trimming, which can occur throughout the year without damaging the plant.